Dragonboating! A day with gorgeous weather!
Totally soaked, and a quick reflection in our buddy groups
Splashes of merry-making at the waters of the Kallang River is what I would affectionately reminisce about dragonboating.
I needn't explain the vigor and energy that typically goes about this uproarious activity. The pictures you see here are sound evidence of the paddling, racing and splashing. Wet to the skin, that is.
Action packed aside, perhaps what was more rousing for me, were the differences we all had.
To some, it was talk less and more action. To others, otherwise. For some, merriment was key. For others, champion mattered. Some buried our heads into chopping the waters with your paddles, some had their eyes set on how close we are to the next boat. One or two commanded the counts, others sliently followed.
The contrast was striking. Maybe that's what it is in a team. Maybe that's what we need in a team. How then do we complement, contribute and conquer?
At the end of 3 races cum roaming and paddling, the return journey was the toughest. Keeping my hands on the paddle demanded more willpower than I expected. As my physical strength gradually defied my wishes, what came as a strong mental boost was seeing the rest of us still rowing and paddling, and really looking at how far we have gone.
At the end of the day, maybe it isn't so much about the action, but the CALL behind the action. It's the call that unites, yet the action that differs. Have we all understood? Are we on track or on check?
Our friendly and energetic supporters
Celebrating a day well spent
By Hui Qi
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